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The Fulton County School System operates on the philosophy that all students have the right to learn. To do so, each student must be in a school climate that is satisfying and productive, without disruptive behavior by any student infringing upon the rights of others.

The education of Fulton County students involves parents, teachers, administrators, and the students themselves. All parents are encouraged to become familiar with the discipline guidelines and consequences for violations. These guidelines are drawn from Section JD, “Student Discipline” of the Fulton County School System Board Guidelines, as a part of the Student Discipline/Code of Conduct. Every parent should receive and sign for a copy of the Code of Conduct at Open House or during the first week of attendance. All families are expected to read the policies and become familiar with them.

The Fulton County School System takes seriously its responsibility to educate its students in safe and drug-free schools where they are free from fear of harm or intimidation. Disruptions, disrespect, bullying, weapons, drugs and gang activity will not be tolerated in Fulton County Schools. Students who violate Board of Education rules or State laws related to these offenses will be suspended or expelled from school. Violators will also be reported to the police and may be charged with a felony and arrested. 


At High Point Elementary, we believe in a school environment in which students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach. We believe that learning takes place in an atmosphere of acceptance, high expectations, encouragement and motivation.  Our objective is to provide a safe environment in which meaningful learning can take place. The teachers and administration at High Point Elementary are committed to this philosophy of discipline.  We believe in positive reinforcement and conflict resolution.  We strive to create a positive atmosphere in which all students can learn.




P – Practice Good Manners (be kind to others, say thank you and you’re welcome, treat others how you want to be treated)

A – Always Be Prepared (have your materials, ask questions, and be prepared)

W –Work Hard (always try your best and never give up)

S – Stay Safe (keep hands, feet and objects to yourself; respect yours and others’ work space)


Each classroom teacher is responsible for establishing rules and consequences.  Classroom rules and consequences should be developed by the teacher and students, consisting of no more than five rules.  Teachers hold class meetings each morning from 7:40-7:50 am to form a classroom community and solve problems cooperatively.

The use of notes, e-mail, telephone calls and personal conferences will be utilized to maintain close parental contact. We encourage the faculty, staff, students and parents to work cooperatively in implementing our discipline program.


DISCIPLINE CYCLE FOR MINOR OFFENSES (disrespect, excessive talking, defiant, not completing work, disruptive, unkind)

 The following general discipline cycle for minor offenses will be followed and documented by the classroom teacher.  Intervention must occur immediately to avoid escalation of situations. 

            Step 1:  Non-Verbal reminder

            Step 2:  Verbal reminder (no more than 2 verbal reminders)

            Step 3:  Teacher fills out Reflection Sheet with student

Teacher calls home after 2nd and 4th Reflection Sheet       

Office referral to an administrator once 4 or more Reflection Sheets have been completed –Reflection Sheets copies need to be attached to the Office Referral.

Office Referral

  • Office Time-Out, Conference, SST/Counselor Referral, or Out-of-School Suspension
  • Parent Called
  • Offense put in Infinite Campus for official documentation


DISCIPLINE CYCLE FOR MAJOR OFFENSES (hitting, bullying, fighting, stealing, destroying property)

Discipline referral will be immediately filled out and child will be escorted to the office.